Enhancing Centrifugal Compressor Performance Hybrid Optimizing Model using GA (Genetic Algorithm) and CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics Methods)
Building a collaborative team together in such an unprecedented times has becoming a norm and frequently the only way to assemble knowledge and breath required to pull off the complex task such as redesigning and manufacturing of a large diameter compressor impeller (1.5mØ) CGC (Crack Gas Compressor)
This is FSD-NJM Engineering Advantage, we gather a large team together involving university, Resources, industry partners, engineers, technicians and our customers to gain deeper understanding of the engineering needs, we connect our people, products and expertise to give the equipment and plant operating conditions a clear advantage.
Mathematical Model always being developed to resolve certain constraints to achieve real optimization
3D Meshing Model of Impeller using GA (Genetic Algorithm) analyzes the parameters of flow field such as; Pressure ratio, efficiency and as the inputs into the optimization mathematical model to create codes and new designs.
The splitter geometry was created at the flow path using polynomial points, this results in efficiency increased of about 1.85%