The FSD Solution


This technology changes everything. This direct electrically driven gas conditioning booster is the only electrically powered booster designed from the ground up, inside to outside for gas conditioning to protect your valuable dry gas seals. This development offers the most efficient and cost effective dry gas seal protection solution.

  • No Air Supply
    No need for a high capacity, high quality and costly
    air drive supply.

  • Significant Wear Reduction
    No piston seals or other high wear seal items to wear out.

  • No leakage Losses
    Direct magnetic coupling design means there is no seal leakage and no need for costly seal monitoring devices.

  • Higher Efficiency
    Direct electric drive offers the best levels of efficiency.

  • Higher Reliability
    Longer life means a huge reduction in operating expenditure.


  • System Integration
    Hugely simplified system integration requiring simplified input and output signals.
  • System Intelligence
    The FSD Turbo Booster can be provided with an intelligent interface to further increase system intelligence.
  • Enhanced System Intelligence
    Embedded technologies allow a booster master
    module to communicate



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